Useful Links
Below are a list of organisation which offer a range of help and support for you and your child.
We welcome any suggestions of further organisations to add to this list which our parents/carers and friends of the school would appreciate.
Carers MK are dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of unpaid family carers in Milton Keynes.
Tel: 01908-231703 Email:
The MKC Inclusion and Intervention Team is a part of the wider MKC SEND Team. The team supports children and young people in settings and schools aged 2 – 19. The Specialist Teachers and Inclusion and Intervention Workers offer packages of support to settings and schools which may also include training and modelling strategies. We also offer a range of parent programmes.
The MKC SEND Support Line is open Monday to Friday 8.30 - 4.30 for parents and carers and professionals to seek advice, support and information for children and young people with SEND:
Tel: 01908 657825 or email the team on:
Milton Keynes SEND information Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS):
Are a statutory service offering confidential and impartial information, advice and support to children, young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities, as well as their parents/carers. Support is available to families living in Milton Keynes.
SENDIAS supports with The Graduated Approach and SEN support, the needs assessment and EHC plan processes, SEND tribunal appeals, school exclusions and disability discrimination issues.
Tel: 01908-254518 (weekdays 9.30 – 4.30) Email:
PACA MK is an independent and voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs.
Tel: 01908-257828, 07852 526057 Email:
Is open to residents for free internet access and use of PCs. Residents are welcome to drop-in for tea or coffee, meet friends or make new ones! Friendly staff are on hand for support throughout the week. If there are specific needs or help you need, we can enable you to access organisations that have the skills and capacity to support you.
Tel: 01908 370348