Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK3 7AW

01908 376011

Romans Field School

Building Success Together - to help us all become the best version of ourselves.

Snowy Owls

 Snowy Owls have been learning all about The Rainbow Fish this term in Writing. We have immersed ourselves in the story through arts and crafts and sensory  stories. Snowy Owls have worked on their fine motor and writing skills through different activities linked to our story. We have used Colour Semantics to work on structuring sentences about the book.

In Maths, we have worked on numbers and recognising different representations of numbers using a variety of  resources. Snowy Owls are beginning to add single digits together using concrete resources and pictorial representations. We have also been working on shapes and using different shapes to create pictures.

Our foundation curriculum has been delivered through Attention Autism, we have     created many crafts for our different topics, Seasons and Christmas.  Snowy Owls have enjoyed exploring different musical instruments and the sounds they make. In our IT curriculum, Snowy Owls have been learning how to use an iPad to take photos and we have been looking at the different camera effects

Spring Curriculum Overview 

Information regarding the focus for each subject is detailed below.

 Snowy Owls - Spring Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
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Spring Homework Grid

Our homework expectations for this term is detailed below.

 Snowy Owls -Spring Homework Grid (1).pdfDownload
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Autumn Term 2 Summary

Snowy Owls have been learning all about The Rainbow Fish this term in Writing. We have immersed ourselves in the story through arts and crafts and sensory stories. Snowy Owls have worked on their fine motor and writing skills through different activities linked to our story. We have used Colour Semantics to work on structuring sentences about the book.

In Maths, we have worked on numbers and recognising different representations of numbers using a variety of resources. Snowy Owls are beginning to add single digits together using concrete resources and pictorial representations. We have also been working on shapes and using different shapes to create pictures.

Our foundation curriculum has been delivered through Attention Autism, we have created many crafts for our different topics, Seasons and Christmas.  Snowy Owls have enjoyed exploring different musical instruments and the sounds they make. In our IT curriculum, Snowy Owls have been learning how to use an iPad to take photos and we have been looking at the different camera effects.