At Romans Field School all behaviour are managed with consistency. We understand the importance of getting to know all the pupils individually and the necessity to meet their needs. We encourage a holistic de-escalation approach, in order to encourage the promotion of socially acceptable behaviours for all concerned.
One of our main aims is to try to help our pupils find a better way, in all aspects of life, this includes to manage their own behaviour. As staff, we deal with all behavioural incidents by using a range of de-escalation and diversion tactics, and only as a last resort we would use a physical restraint, reasonable and proportionate to the situation, to maintain the safety of all our school. Full information and the guidelines for when physical restraints will be used are outlined in our Behaviour Policy and Positive Handling Policy, both of which can be found on the school website. By signing the Home School Agreement, you are agreeing with both these policies.
Team Teach
The whole school staff are trained in Team Teach, which is ‘an accredited training framework designed to reduce restraint and risk, through working together to help safeguard people and services’. Some of the core principles and ethos’s that underpin Team Teach and our philosophies at Romans Field School include:
• Behaviours are managed with a CALM and consistent approach
• The best interest of our pupils is always our paramount consideration
• As a school, we try to understand the meaning behind pupils’ behaviour, to ensure individuals make the most of their potential.
• Our staff team aim to share our values, and share the necessary information to help us plan to reduce risks and the need to use a restraint
• All our school paperwork for behaviour is completed in line with the Local Education Authority guidelines and covers associated aspects of Law and Guidance
• Restraints are only carried out as a last resort, the force involved must be reasonable and proportionate to the situation, and only after all forms of de-escalation have been unsuccessful, and the pupils continues to cause a risk
• After any behavioural incident we have follow up procedures to ensure all persons involved in the incident are able to resume
More details of Team Teach can be found on their website