Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK3 7AW

01908 376011

Romans Field School

Building Success Together - to help us all become the best version of ourselves.


Coming soon...

Spring Curriculum Overview

Information regarding the focus for each subject is detailed below.

 Kingfishers - Spring Overview.pdfDownload
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Spring Homework Grid

Our homework expectations for this term is detailed below.

 Kingfishers - Home Learning Grid Spring 1.pdfDownload
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Autumn Term 2 Summary

Kingfishers have had a great term! We have been studying "Farmer Duck' in English and focusing on basic punctuation, sequence and writing clear sentences as well as beginning to learn to use conjunctions, dialogue and similes. We have been reading daily and are trying to sound out any challenging words using our phonics knowledge. 

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting on a number line, using base 10 and 100 squares. We have also been problem solving and      learning our times tables.

We have enjoyed our 'Christmas' topic and have found out such things as "Why we have Christmas  Stockings?', 'How is Christmas is celebrated around the world' as well as learning about the Christmas Story. We were lucky enough to be working with a visiting artist who showed us how to make some     beautiful Christmas Tree mosaics.

Our PE lessons have continued weekly and we have enjoyed showing each other our great Gymnastics skills.

Hopefully, you have seen, smelt and perhaps even eaten some of our cooking delicacies (such as cheese and tomato pasta, chocolate cake in a mug, raspberry chocolate dip and not forgetting, a real favourite, cheese and onion potato slices!

In Computing, we have been busy finding out how to keep safe online with the help of 'Interland', in Music we have enjoyed singing and in PSHE finding out how we are all unique and work as a team.

The Kingfishers Team wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.