Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK3 7AW

01908 376011

Romans Field School

Building Success Together - to help us all become the best version of ourselves.


At Romans Field School we value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling our children to develop a love of reading, therefore, becoming lifelong readers. We believe reading is key for academic success. So, we promote a holistic approach to the teaching of reading. To do this, we implement a range of opportunities for reading across the curriculum and for pleasure. The children first read books linked to the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme and then as they become more confident readers, they can become a free reader, where they can select thousands of books from our school library. These are supplemented by a wide range of additional texts the children have read to them by the class teams, the class stories are selected from the Romans Field reading spine. There are many ways in which we encourage reading at Romans Field, like our reading ambassador program, Books over breakfast, World Book Day, Author of the half term, after school Book Club, author visits, Reading Raffle and much more.

To support early reading and spelling development, we follow the very popular and success literacy programme Read, Write Inc. This programme teaches children to read letters by their ‘sounds’, blend these sounds into words and then read these words in a story. See links below to access resources to support your child’s learning in phonics and reading.

At Romans Field School, we have three pathways, shared, structured and scaffolded. Our children on the shared pathway, are our early communicators, who are not yet ready for phonics. Those children follow our phase one reading progression document and pre-reading activities. For the children, on our shared pathway communication and interaction is a huge focus, so this is embedded in all they do. Pre-reading skills focus on General sound discrimination, Rhythm and rhyme, Alliteration, Voice sounds, and Oral blending and segmenting.

 At Romans Field School, we greatly value the role of families in extending the reading taking place in school and believe this to be an important partnership. Children will take home a reading book and have a log in for their Accelerated Reader accounts. The expectation is that your child reads at home, with an adult at least four times each week, for ten minutes. This can be to an adult, with an adult or having an adult read to them. When reading at home to or with family members it is important that the children have opportunities to discuss the books, magazines, comics etc, that they have been reading to develop effective comprehension skills. Children who read week at home, will receive a raffle ticket, the more they read the more tickets they will receive. Tickets are placed in the class reading raffle box. Then each half term, one name will be picked from the class box. These children be able to pick a book of their choice from the prize book box.

At Romans Field we aim to create a love of reading and we believe that the more we read and share books with our children the better readers they will become, and this will have a huge impact upon their overall academic success.

As a school we know that for some families reading with their children can be difficult and we are more than willing to help or support families to develop these skills. ‘The Books Trust’ have a range of helpful hints and tips to support families with reading at home. Click here to find more about their helpful guides.

Parental support-


“Books train your mind to imagination and to think big.” – Taylor Swift.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss.


“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” – Garrison Keller.


With reading you can be any of these jobs and more: editor, bookseller, literary agent, translator.


Curriculum Lead is Miss Frohawk

Children's comments on reading:


Year 1 child - 'I love reading. My favourite book is the Snowman.' 


Year 5 child (reading ambassador) -'The smeds and the smoos are my favourite book. It is a new Julia Donaldson book. I really enjoy reading this book. It is a book for everyone to read.' 


Year 2 child - 'My favourite book is the three little pigs. I like the pigs and the big bad wolf and love where the big bad wolf blows the houses down.'